Part 17: The Man Who Bets
Part XVII: The Man Who BetsAs mentioned, we've got a ton of important, and of lesser importance, stuff to do before we continue the plot. First on that list is hunting down one of the special cats, Catstantine the Third. The job board mentioned he was last seen in Trigleph station. Should be pretty easy to wrap this thing up.

That we should. Gotta get that cat before it runs off into the shadows again.

Fade for explanation (maybe?), and also Julius leaving...

And after some tense negotiations, Catstantine the Third is free to add to your cat list, as you can pick him up right after the above scene. However, we're not quite done with this job, or our business in Duval. Case in point: there's a job called Rideaux's Request, that involves bringing 3 Mysterious Beads to Duval's bar. Luckily, we can fulfill that request now, and get a new scene.

Well, we'll leave Rideaux to do whatever it is he's up to, and continue to the train station to finish up the Catstantine job.

So we'll have to leave that plot thread hanging, because that's the last we'll see of Gramps. Anyway, we've got a new town to visit...

There's a skit just after you arrive in Drellin, where answering with R1 will increase Elle's affection. Aside from that, let's see what this town on the edge of Elympios looks like...

Nice little burg. There's a pleasant little jingle playing, but aside from that, Drellin is only a one-map area, aside from the standard hotel, which is located on the side of Drellin to Ludger's left. There's a cat in there that we'll be getting to shortly. First, however...

A general upgrade in equipment is in order. Buying all the things I ended up buying, I spent about 60k, which is quite the chunk of change, but remember, we have yet to beat a single new Elite Monster, which will more than pay for things. Plus, all those upgrades will make us more effective. Win-win.

Next order of business is to apprehend this rogue Irish pop-singer and songwriter, known as Enya. This cat goes by many aliases, including Eithne Pádraigín Ní Bhraonáin or Enya Patricia Brennan. Citizens are cautioned that this cat is clawed and extremely dangerous.
Once this cat is captured, please return to Duval's bar. The suspect also is known to wear a Tengu Mask on her person. One final note, is that Enya is the third and final "special" cat that's not carried over via the Grade Shop. So my other playthrough is now back to 100 cats captured.

Now that that PSA has been delivered (can anyone remember the last thread I made a PSA in?), let's check out one more local oddity. Why it's an oddity, well, that would be telling, wouldn't it?

Inside the inn (which is a little hard to find, but it's the door that closest to Enya), there's a cat making quite the unsanitary condition inside the establishment. Let's fix their health code violation for them.

Awww. Anyway, the Catamar Heights here barely deserve a mention, but a couple things are worth pointing out while we're here.

Highlight the first: a cat in a most dangerous situation. Just moments before, I picked up another cat named Euler, from Kanbalar (he's one of the special cats, as you might guess). That brings us up to 47 overall, and we've still got quite a few locations to gather the felines from. Do note, however, you can't get all 100 cats until you get to the final dungeon of the story.

Highlight the second, Lake Epsilla. But...there's no lake here, is there? As you might guess, this location is more important than it may seem, but it would be hard to be less interesting than it is now. Only a couple gathering spots, a treasure chest with Stone Ward in it, and...

Wonder if we'll ever find out what's at the bottom of this path...
But, that's all for the Catamar Heights. We're going to return to Drellin to continue Alvin's story. He's hanging out on the railing of the central fountain.

Crisis at Spirus

Neither choice makes a difference, so I went with L1.

Our cooperation is implied at this point, don't you think?

Another character chapter without any required fighting. Happening a lot lately, huh? In any case, to the SCHQ we go.

Well, it's true Alvin doesn't have credentials, it's his buddy who is in trouble, and we're getitng nowhere here. Let's show Alvin we're a man and raise his affection with L1.

So, we don't really know where Yurgen IS, so I'll guess we'll start our sweep of the building on the 10th floor.

Deal with the devil
Huh, that was easy.

Holmes really is one of those kinds of characters who most people who know that name know some things about him, but has never read the stories, nor would recognize an immortal line like that at first blush.

Well, Alvin appreciates L1, as it's not continuing the dogpile here. But this really seems like one of those situations that has no right answer...

Well, I suppose Alvin will make up his mind soon, but for now we need to find Yurgen. I'm just going to go out on a hunch and say he's heading for the entrance.

Partners no longer

R1 for one final affection-increasing decision, but I think this is it...

"Now what" indeed... Well, for us, at least, it's time to head to Duval's bar and finish up the Enya sidequest.

I recommend Muzet play for us.

So that's the Tengu Mask formally acquired (you actually got it after getting Enya), but the most important result of that scene is now you can play Poker against the guy. Well, you're not *actually* playing Poker against the guy. You play Poker by yourself, and win chips depending on the hands you get.
But to get started, first you need to buy chips from the bartender. Oh, and also, my cats returned from Drellin just after that cutscene and got me a new cat, Ivan. That's 48.

10 gald per chip is pretty pricy, so I would advise you buy 1000 to get started. In addition, since there is a save point in the bar, you can very easily save scum Poker. 5000 is a bit too much, I think, and 10000 and "Buy as many as possible" is right out.

The rules are simple, friends. Poker seems to be a thing in Namco games (it's also in the Xenosaga series, at least the first game in that series), and I'm honestly surprised there's no iDOLM@STER betting game at this point. In any case, in addition to all the standard rules, there are Joker cards (featuring Elle and Ludger, no less).
Here's a good trick for making a lot of chips fast: never bet under 100 chips per hand, no matter what (that's the max bet, you see). See, the thing to remember here are the laws of probabilities are very much in your favor in the long run. When you start getting a comfortable chip amount, you can eat any number of losses, because eventually, as long as you keep playing probabilities, you'll make more chips than you lose. Of course, this rule is *not* absolute, but no man is above the law, I'm afraid.

Once you get any hand higher than 1 Pair (which results in a Draw, where you get your bet back), you'll get a chance to double your money up to 10x.

In the double-or-nothing phase, you have to guess whether the next card will be higher or lower than the card the computer flipped over. In this phase, Jokers become a bit more volatile. If the AI turns over a Joker, ALWAYS bet lower. The Joker will act in whatever way will result in you winning (except in the event of a tie, which I'll explain next), but the key point is the Joker is the only card that is considered higher than an Ace, for some reason.
However, if you tie the card the AI flipped over (so if I turned over a 7 in this situation), you lose, no matter if you picked higher or lower. In addition, for the purposes of this part of the game, Ace is considered higher than King, and will never count as less than a 2. In terms of playing probabilities, 7 and 8 are your worst cards, because the odds are nearly even between the next card being higher or lower, or in the event of the dreaded tie.

It was hard to walk away on that double-or-nothing Straight I got 64,000 chips out of (which I could have gotten a max of 256,000 out of), but this early in the game, the point is to get a comfortable chip amount so you can bet almost entirely freely from now on. 64,000 is more than enough where you can eat enough losses and STILL almost certainly make more in the long run, especially when one big payday can wipe out your losses and make a huge chunk of change at the same time.
One final note about Poker is a Pair should be your default hand, even if you end up getting nothing out of it. This does not apply if you think you're close to a Flush, of course, but this way you can substantially cut the risk of losing a lot of chips and possibly clean up on 3 or even 4 of a Kinds.
Oh, also, in my entire history of playing this game, I've gotten 5 of a Kind all of once, I believe. It was a glorious day.

So why are we doing all this shit? Well, the bartender has some really nice stuff for us, and is your only infinite source of affection points, in the form of Friendship Potions you can buy for 20,000 chips, as well as Kitty Dispatch time reducing items like Gummy Fishies or Kitty Crisps, and Royal Feasts (for 3,000 chips, which substantially increases the chance of your cats finding rare items). For now, though, picking up the first eight items will be very much to your benefit. 1 of those Extractors is Light and Darkness, two of them are 3-element, and the last two are 4-element, which you should be snapping up as soon as possible.
You can also buy a bunch of synthesis materials, but until you actually need them for making new items, it's not really important right now. Well, if you want to see Sylphid The Card Shark in-action, turning 1000 chips into more than 230,000 in the space of 12 minutes, here you are. After my Poker-playing session, I also got a funny new skit.
Oh yeah, and a little history of casinos in Tales games. I remember spending a lot of time in Abyss' casino in Keterburg (where all the games were crap and made no money except for, you guessed it, Poker. However, the first casino in this series is I believe in Symphonia, which technically did have a casino in the original GameCube release (but you couldn't do anything there. It was just for decoration). This was changed, however, in the PS2 version when you could actually play Poker there for fabulous prizes.

You know what we haven't had in a while? A good ol' fashioned Elite Monster. This is why I'm headed back to the Fezebel Marsh to fight the Dark Teagle. First of all, time to take out this Bacura, since they give some nice rewards.

They're really quite boring fights, I must say. But they are worth the time investment. Oh yeah, and after I loaded up my save to begin this recording session, Petunia was retrieved from the Nala Lava Tubes. 49. Anyway, the Dark Teagle.

The Dark Teagle is...pretty hard, actually. He'll start off with a little goon to help him, and has the chance of calling in more reinforcements, but the number of enemies on the field will never exceed 3. The boss cat has two really dangerous attacks. One is where it'll stop and brace itself, then rush forward with its mouth open to scoop up its target. This attack is powerful, and will hit even if the target blocks. You'll just have to dodge it, preferably with a quick step.

The other one is this, where it jumps up and crashes back down. The crash itself does damage, of course, but if a character gets hit by it, they'll also get Stoned. Note that this attack is a bit long-lasting, and if you run into the area, you'll also get Stoned, even if you didn't get hit by the initial attack. A devastating attack.
As far as vulnerabilities go, he's weak to Wind and Darkness, which is why you'll find in the video I'm spamming Azure Edge. Wait until you find out how I screwed myself over this fight!

Lucky Cat is a pretty awesome Linked arte. Note this one of...I think three different cats that can fall from the sky.

After entirely too long, I finally brought down the Teagle. Now, in most situations where you fight multiple foes, with one powerful and a few weak, you want to take out the weak first. Not so in this case, as the Teagle will quickly replace the losses (except for the translucent dog), and the more time spent attacking his comrades, the less damage you're doing to him. Once the Teagle is down, simple mop-up operation.

And yeah, I got quite a few things out of this fight... (that's not even all the skills Ludger got).

Now, here's how I screwed myself over: I didn't equip Power Charge 3, even though Ludger et. all was level 40 going into the fight. The length and difficulty I had with that fight is entirely my fault.

Returning to Kanbalar to turn in the Dark Teagle's head, I went way over the line in terms of needed money, so here's Nova to let me know what's next.

However, it does seem she's in a spot of trouble. Pity, that. I'm sure whatever it is, it can wait as we continue to wrap up business here and in other lands. The next-to-last order of business for today's update is the last Kanbalar cat. Now, the job request mentions that the cat is in the residential district, and is near a snow pile. However, close investigation will note there are no cats near snow piles in the residential area. So what the hell?

If you head to the Temple, instead of going into it or on to Xialen Woods, head to the path to the temple's right and up the path.

You'll end up on the rooftops surrounding the city streets. It's a completely linear path until you get to your destination.
Oh yeah, and Gaius usually busts this line out sometimes after you kicked the ass of the last boss enemy you fought. I don't know if I'd say I kicked the Dark Teagle's ass, but evidently the game disagrees.

Your destination, of course, being the cat. Now, Breezy is the 50th feline I've apprehended, so it's time for a skit, where you learn a terrible secret of Jude's.

Question: was this path in Xillia 1? Answer: yes, it was. You had to use it in the second act of the game when Exodus broke the dimensional barrier and occupied Castle Gaius. At this point in the story, the party had allied itself with the Chimeriad to reoccupy the castle to provide a staging base for an attack on the ESS Zenethra. And the rest, is history.
After acquiring the cat and taking in the nice view of Castle Gaius, we have one final business to attend to. It requires taking Karla's request for 3 Migrant Plumes, and heading to Kanbalar's inn. She'll be standing toward the back of the lobby.

Elize is referring to Karla's little sidequest in the first game. She first appeared standing beneath a statue to the party, without anyone knowing her last name, at the time. You learn more about her and her brother's ascension to power via sidequests.

Well, Leia and Karla's war is just gonna have to wait for next time.
Update 17 victory compilation (Gaius and Alvin's Demon Fang competition is one of my favorite victory screens in the game)
Update 17 alternate choices compilation